At Odessa Language Study Centre, you have the choice between three accommodation alternatives we offer. They are ranging from host family and residential to hotel accommodation. You can live with a friendly host family in or near the city centre. All our host families live within easy reach of the school via public transport or by foot. If you prefer to live more independently and prepare your own meals, you may choose to live in a comfortable apartment 15-20 minutes walking from school (prices for the apartments depend on the size, quality and location).
Family accommodation
Host family accommodation is offered in different pleasant districts of the city and our staff inspects the homestays regularly. Accommodation is in a private room with the shared conveniences. Breakfast and supper are provided. The host family provides bed linen. A daily bath or shower is available and homes are heated. Laundry may be washed by the family on request, for a small additional charge. |
Advantages of our host families:
- Situated within easy travelling distance of the school
- Kind, friendly, helpful and happy to host international students
- Regularly checked by the staff
- A great introduction to local life & cosiderable speaking experience
- Providing the best value accommodation available in Odessa
- Always remembered by their students!
Self-Catering Apartments
Apartments for our students are available in various locations in Odessa. In general, self catering apartments are mostly suitable for students who wish to be independent rather than constantly interact with the family in homestay; business students; adult students who prefer the privacy and freedom of preparing their own meals.
The apartments are also available for renting by non-students. In this case additional 25% fee is charged. For details, please contact OLSC by our email |
Advantages of our self-catering apartments:
Highest level of comfort
Shared Apartment
Using a shared apartment is the best way to combine proper independent living with acceptable acomodation price and also a perfect opportunity to share the experience and spend free time with familiar people. Our schoool offers few centrally-located apatements which comprise single bedrooms for several people. Kitchen and lavatory facilities are shared. Laundry and weekly cleaning is provided by the owner. The araptment is shared only with the students of our school. |
Advantages of our shared apartments:
- Independence
- High level of privacy
- Excellent opportunity to get along with other students of our school
- Obtaining new friends from all over the world
- Sharing household chores
- Regular cleaning & staff checks